events in 2020

International Midwives Day is May 5th 

Living Child Inc. recognises and celebrates the incredible work that midwives do in saving lives. We think midwives are pretty special. In 2020 the International Confederation of Midwifery [ICM] Conference will be held in Bali and we would love to send two midwives Linda Tano and Rhondy Ktumusi from Papua New Guinea to represent Living Child Inc. There they can share about our work, learn about life saving maternal and child health programs, connect with other health professionals, network, learn and develop their life saving skills. This is a really important and valuable project and we need your help!

Host your very own morning tea!

Please join us on May 5th by hosting your very own Morning Tea to raise money for this project. Our goal is $5,000! Ideas for morning tea include: Inviting a bunch of friends over and asking them each to donate $10.00, baking cakes for them and holding a raffle for a bottle of wine or a box of chocolate! If you are not into baking, you could also ask your church or mothers group to bring a plate to share and a gold coin donation. Every donation makes a big difference

Every donation received is tax deductible!

You can pledge your support by emailing   or letting Sara David know you would like to be involved. Once your have registered your morning tea we can send you more information on how to donate, and we will ask you to send us a picture so we can post it to our event and Facebook page!

Outreach Training 2019

East Sepik Province PNG

March 2019

16 days Outreach trip to Bunam, Yamen and Angoram to conduct follow-up training with Village Birth Attendants, facilitate focus groups with men about family health, introduce the use of chlorhexidine gel antiseptic to be used on the umbilical cord stump of newborns to prevent infection, conduct focus groups with the women to gather information about their breastfeeding and nutrition needs and launch the Care Group program – working with volunteer women to get important health messages to every household in every village. This will be the first team travelling to PNG without Sara David as leader. PNG nurse, Sr Julie Baleu, who now lives in Perth, will be leading the team. 

​June 2019

In early June a smaller team will revisit the remote villages to follow up on how the Care Group program is going and to gather some information to help us evaluate the projects.

July  - August  2019

Two Australian volunteer midwives will be based in Wewak to conduct 2 training courses to help with the professional development of those providing maternity care in remote areas of the East Sepik Province. 

August 2019

A team will conduct a Men’s health training program that will have been put together with information gathered from the Men’s focus groups held in March. The training for men will be conducted in the villages of Bunam and Yamen, Angoram District. Follow up with the Care Group facilitators will also been done and to check on whether the chlorhexidine gel is being used on newborns and well accepted.