our partners and supporters

our partners

We are very grateful to work with these organisations:


The East Sepik Provincial Health Authority has been a trusted and valued partner for many years. We are privileged to be invited to provide training courses for their staff in maternal and neonatal care.

The team at Laif FM in Wewak support us in so many ways. We are privileged to air our health promotion materials via their station.

Birthing Kit Foundation supply us with life-saving clean birth kits. We are extremely grateful for their ongoing support.

Days for Girls Perth and Albany supply us with reusable menstrual hygiene kits. We are so privileged to be a beneficiary of many long days spent sewing!

megavoice Australia supply us with audio players and LifeLights that contain important health promotion messages on hand-washing, nutrition and breastfeeding.

We are grateful for a long-standing relationship with Cosmos Alliance, another NGO that conducts projects in PNG. We share information and equipment for training courses.

The team at Health Communication Resources have been fantastic supporters of our Health Promotion program. We are so grateful for their continued mentoring of our team.

our supporters

Our work would not be possible without our supporters. We extend a sincere thanks to all the individuals and families who donate to us so generously - especially our wonderful monthly donors.


We are so grateful for the ongoing support of Lifestreams Christian Church. In recent years, they have supported us to run two maternal and neonatal upskilling courses in Wewak for ESPHA health staff.

Our friends at Soroptimist International continue to enable us to make a difference through our programs. We are incredibly grateful for their support.

The Rotary Clubs of Melville and Applecross have been friends of Living Child for many years. So many of our programs have been made possible thanks to their generosity.

Winthrop Chiropractic Care have supported us for many years. We are very grateful for their awareness-raising and generosity.