a gift in your will
Leave a Lasting Legacy
By making a bequest to Living Child, you can leave a lasting legacy that supports our mission to improve the lives of remote communities in Papua New Guinea. Your generosity will help ensure that our vital programs in sexual, reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health health continue to make a positive impact for generations to come.
What is a Bequest?
A bequest is a gift left to a charity in your Will. It can be a specific amount of money, a percentage of your estate, or particular assets such as property, shares, or other valuable items. Bequests are a powerful way to support causes you care about, allowing your values to live on and make a difference beyond your lifetime.
How to Make a Bequest
Consult Your Solicitor:
Seek legal advice to ensure that your Will reflects your wishes accurately and is legally binding. A solicitor can help you include a bequest to Living Child and ensure your estate is distributed according to your intentions.
Choose the Type of Bequest:
Specific Bequest: Leave a specific amount of money or a particular asset to Living Child.
Residual Bequest: Leave the remainder or a percentage of your estate to Living Child after other specific bequests and expenses have been distributed.
Proportional Bequest: Leave a proportion of your entire estate to Living Child.
Include the Bequest in Your Will:
Use the following wording to include Living Child in your Will:
“I give to Living Child Inc. (ABN 50 493 874 594) of PO Box 410, Bull Creek WA 6149, the sum of $x for its general purposes. The receipt of an Authorised Officer of Living Child Inc under this provision is a sufficient discharge to my executor/s in respect of the gift/bequeath to that beneficiary.”
“I give to Living Child Inc. (ABN 50 493 874 594) of PO Box 410, Bull Creek WA 6149, the sum of $x for its [insert specific purpose], or in the absence of such specific purpose, its general purposes. The receipt of an Authorised Officer of Living Child Inc is sufficient discharge to my executor/s in respect of the gift/bequeath to Living Child Inc.”
“I bequeath [the whole/a percentage/something specific/residue] of my estate to Living Child Inc. (ABN 50 493 874 594) of PO Box 410, Bull Creek WA 6149, for purposes that it shall determine, and this bequest will be free from all duties. The receipt of this bequest by any Authorised Officer of Living Child Inc shall form valid discharge to my executor/s.”
Inform Us:
If you choose to leave a bequest to Living Child, please let us know. We would love to acknowledge your generosity and keep you informed about our work. Your information will be kept confidential, and you can choose to remain anonymous if you prefer.
Benefits of Making a Bequest
Enduring Impact: Your gift will help sustain our programs and initiatives, creating lasting change in communities in need.
Tax Benefits: Bequests to registered charities like Living Child may offer tax benefits for your estate.
Honouring Your Values: A bequest allows you to support a cause that aligns with your values and beliefs, ensuring they are honoured beyond your lifetime.
Contact Us
For more information about making a bequest to Living Child, please contact our team via admin@livingchildinc.org.au.
Thank you for considering a bequest to Living Child. Your legacy of compassion and generosity will help us continue our mission to bring hope and opportunity to the communities we serve in Papua New Guinea.