about sara

Sara David AM is a midwife, passionate about global maternal health and advocating for vulnerable and marginalised communities here in Australia and overseas. Since 2011, she has been involved in preparing and facilitating evidence-based training to Traditional Birth Attendants, health workers and midwives in developing nations. She is the founder and CEO of Living Child Inc. (www.livingchildinc.org.au), a charity aimed at reducing maternal newborn mortality rates in remote villages of Papua New Guinea.

Sara works part time with Living Child Inc., leading a multidisciplinary, multi-cultural team of women passionate about sustainable community development. She recently graduated with a Masters of Philosophy from Curtin University. Her thesis led to the development of an evidence-based training program for TBAs in remote villages of PNG.

In 2020, Sara was made a Member of the Order of Australia for humanitarian work as a midwife. She is a Paul Harris Fellow for humanitarian work and Curtin Alumni Global Impact award winner.

Sara loves gardening, bushwalking, and listening to audio books. She has been married to Richard for 30 years and they have two young adult sons currently both studying at university.

Interested in having Sara speak to your group, at your function, or on your podcast? We’d love to talk. Get in touch.